The Mead Educational Trust, a multi academy trust based in Leicester, comprises secondary and primary schools joining together in an exciting partnership that is committed to providing its pupils with a world class educational experience.

As a multi academy trust, our schools are joined together as a single legal entity; The Mead Educational Trust. The Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee and has a number of layers of governance, the Members, Board of Trustees, Academy Councils & Executive Team. Further details of the Trust’s governance structure can be found below.

The Members are best viewed as guardians of the constitution, changing the Articles of Association if necessary and ensuring the charitable objects are fulfilled. The Members hold the Trust Board to account for the effective governance of the Trust but have a minimal role in the actual running of the trust. The Members appoint some of the Trustees and can exercise powers to appoint and remove Trustees. The Trust will ordinarily have five Members. Click here to meet the members.

The Board of Trustees of TMET has overall accountability and legal responsibility for the Trust as non-executive directors, charity trustees and governors. The Board of Trustees delegates authority and responsibility for a range of duties to the Trust Executive Team, Board committees, academy councils and school principals. Click here to meet the trustees.

This committee provides assurance to the Trust Board over the sustainability of, and compliance with, the Trust’s financial systems and operational controls. The committee’s role is to maintain an oversight of the Trust’s funding, budgeting, expenditure and financial procedures.

This committee is responsible for the overall governance of key people initiatives that support the delivery of the TMET Strategy, through the monitoring of the People and Culture Strategic Priority and the associated implementation plan. The committee also acts as the Remuneration Committee once a year, supporting the Board in its responsibilities for ensuring the highest standards of governance in the remuneration of the CEO and senior Trust staff.

This committee provides assurance to the Trust Board on the standards, performance and safeguarding of all schools and education providers within TMET. The committee monitors and evaluates pupil progress and attainment and the quality of teaching, ensuring the Trust provides a consistently high quality learning experience and delivers a broad and balanced curriculum in keeping with the Trust’s aims and vision, all pupil needs and legal requirements.

This committee provides assurance to the Trust Board on the Trust’s financial, governance, risk management and internal control systems.

The Executive Team is the executive management arm of the Academy Trust, focusing on operations and the educational performance of the Academies.  The Executive Team work directly with the Academy Improvement Forum, staff in each Academy and the Academy Councils to ensure that the required outcomes are achieved in accordance with the direction and vision of the Trust Board. Click here to meet the team.

Each school has its own academy council (AC) which is a committee of, and acts as the eyes and ears of, the Board. Each AC is expected to know its school in detail: to closely monitor what is happening in the school; to look in detail at performance data, reports and reviews; to hear from a range of members of staff; to visit the school regularly; and to engage with parents, pupils and the community.

Minutes of Board and Academy Council meetings can be obtained by emailing [email protected]

Scheme of Delegation

The Academy Council operates under a Scheme of Delegation agreed by the TMET Trust Board. The latest Scheme of Delegation can be found below.

TMET – Scheme of Delegation

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